Hi! I’m Tara. I’m a social media manager and writer who is passionate about challenging stigma and making taboo topics, well, less taboo! I live in the UK with my partner and cat, Buffy, and in my spare time I like to draw awareness-raising pieces on Instagram. And welcome to my corner of the internet, Red Moon Gang!
I famously forced my mum to give me The Talk several years earlier than she planned due to me constantly asking about genitals, so it’s safe to say I’ve always been curious about the human body. As I grew up, I had a rather turbulent relationship with my period. I’ve gone from hating them, missing them and trying to get them back to celebrating them and feeling fed up with them again. Now aged 28, I’ve pretty much come to the conclusion that 1) I’ve settled on somewhere between relief and ambivalence, 2) this can change at any given time.
What could have made this whole process easier and quicker though is access to shame-free and inclusive information. And that’s where Red Moon Gang comes in.
With Red Moon Gang, I’m on a mission to make period talk more inclusive
I am proud to be able to say I have written the UK’s first gender neutral guide to menstruation. I have always found that periods are one part of life that can really bring people together. Because so many of us suffer in silence for so long, it’s always incredibly reaffirming when you meet somebody who doesn’t shame you or maybe even experiences something similar to you. Not to mention a massive relief!
The aim of both the book and this website is to offer a shame-free and inclusive resource for everyone to enjoy. I remember feeling so alone when trying to navigate my own periods, and I don’t believe anyone should be made to feel like that.
The first rule of Red Moon Gang? Make your own rules!